Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Pilgrim Prayer by Cary

In Thanksgiving for God's Own Plan for us in Wales
Gracious and Almighty God,
We came by invitation from you
To walk your way together
And we were not afraid
You kissed us and blessed us
You loved us through each other
We breathed new life
Holy Mother, Holy Father, Holy Spirit.
In you we live and move and have our being
There was eternity and you were
And are and will be
Safety is secured
And so Holy Adventure was at hand with us
In this blessed and good land
of mystery and imagination
In the dailyness of life with laughter and deepest sorrow
Tomorrow we leave
Yet having lived in you together
We have our being in each other
Thus loneliness, despair and joy
Are bound together
In your all consuming love
You release us to the world
In grace and truth
To serve you in gladness and singleness of heart

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